Other Resources

Community Block Nurse Programs

These local programs can connect you to a variety of free and paid services to keep you living at home.

Living at Home Network
Information for all Minnesota Block Nurse Programs. You can search for a program near you, and we’ve also linked to a few local programs below:

Hamline Midway Elders

Southeast Seniors

Como Park Falcon Heights Living at Home Block Nurse Program

North End-South Como Block Nurse Program

Highland Block Nurse Program

East Side Elders

Neighborhood Network for Seniors

Northeast Neighborhoods

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Power-of-Attorney and Health Care Directives

These guides from the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition are an excellent introduction to these critical and often misunderstood topics. These are same tools we use with our Power-of-Attorney and Health Care Directive clients.


Health Care Directives

Guardianship and Conservatorship

State of Minnesota

Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center
The MAARC system is Minnesota’s single entry point for all adult abuse reports. Reports are forwarded to the appropriate agencies, including Adult Protection and Law Enforcement, depending on the allegation. MAARC is not a substitute for 911 - call the police if you need to report a crime.

MnChoice Assessments
An online tool to help you identify what services you need and connect you with providers.

Minnesota Department of Human Services
Explore the programs and services on this page to see if you qualify for additional programs or state help.

Trellis, formerly known as the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, offers a broad range of senior services. Perhaps the best known is the Senior Linkage Line to answer your questions and connect you to resources.

Federal Government

America’s single payer health insurance for those 65 and older.

Social Security
America’s public pension system.

Other Organizations

Minnesota Elder Justice Center
A free resource to prevent and deal with abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.

Interest group that advocates for senior issues politically and has a website with information on nearly every topic related to seniors and again. Membership famously comes with discounts at many retailers and services providers.